Friday, March 2, 2012

Veterans, what do you think about the Taliban role being taken out of the Medal of Honor game?

I am interested to see the opinions of veterans about censoring the video game Medal of Honor taking out the role of the player playing as the Taliban.

I served in Iraq, and I can see how it stirs up some emotions in some, but I honestly would support people playing who they want in video games. Just because its not politically correct at the time does not mean we should censor it.Veterans, what do you think about the Taliban role being taken out of the Medal of Honor game?
I mean its a video game.Im not loving censorship but i could careless about a teenager living in his moms basement getting all riled up about a shooting game.If you don't like it buy another video game ,go back down to your moms basement,pop another red bull and STFU.
I think that it sucks that they feel the need to censor it, we do a lot of fighting in the interest of our nation to uphold our right to be politically incorrect. We have the right to express ourselves and also the right to hold back and that is what makes our nation great.

In a few decades our grandchildren who will still be reading and writing in english (thanks to us) will be able to play as us in video games without worrying about who's feelings will be hurt, if we can kill the Nazi's then they will be allowed to kill the Taliban.Veterans, what do you think about the Taliban role being taken out of the Medal of Honor game?
when i was deployed i was on a patrol in this village. we got into a firefight and my squad got hit by an rpg. 2 of my friends died right then. the rest of us were badly injured. so why the hell would i want to be the ******* taliban in a ******* video game killing americans.
Real veterans don't worry about video games. Try your question in the Games section of Yahoo Answers.Veterans, what do you think about the Taliban role being taken out of the Medal of Honor game?
Its only a game, they could throw away the whole thing as far as I am concerned.
It's a game. I could care less. It's kind of childish if you ask me.

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